Gluten Free Spaghetti (Linguini) Carbonara

Back in the days of ridiculously long hours in the office, one of the bright spots was dinner.  It was a communal affair when a lot of tired people would take a break, sit in the conference room and for a short time pretend that it was perfectly normal to be sharing dinner with a bunch of equally exhausted people in an office conference room at 9pm while staring down another 3 (if you were lucky) hours of work.  Some of my greatest friendships were formed over those dinners.  One of my favorite dishes to have was Spaghetti Carbonara.  It was probably responsible for the “freshman 15” I experienced every busy season I worked through.  Since that time I have gone gluten free due to being diagnosed with Celiac disease and have become more strict about not eating pork.  And despite all that, I have been thinking more and more about this endlessly satisfying dish.  So, when I saw gluten free fresh linguini in Whole Foods, I immediately had an idea of recreating the dish modified to my specifications.

So, the spaghetti was substituted for the abovementioned linguini.  And the pork part was substituted by one of my latest favorite findings, duck bacon by D’Artagnan. 

The  recipe I used was

And voila, dinner is served.  Perfect for a still chilly evening.

I happened to have Prieure de Montezargues Tavel Rose open, it went really well with the dish.